Job Spec – Group News Letter
Within the Group, Communications is important.
One method of this is to produce a monthly or Term Group News Letter.
A Group newsletter needs an active Editor who chases a story. The Editor would be responsible to the Group Leader and the Group Committee and will need to establish working relationships throughout the Group.
The Editor does not need to write the whole newsletter. Everyone in the Group with something to say will need to do their share.
The Editor will need to be able to bring it all together in an interesting way and encourage, or cajole, contributions.
Remember contributions can come from the youth members themselves. After all they are taking part in the activities.
Tasks would include but not be limited to: –
- Liaise with
- Section Leaders
- Group Leader
- Group Committee
- articles about activities,
- info about forth coming events
- other articles of interest
- Print newsletter and pass to section leaders for distribution
- Upload to social media
- Email to all families
This task can be handled more than one if desired
All expenses will be reimbursed by the group (after approval for major works.)
This is a Committee position